Manufacture Of Pressure Vessels In Brazil

Saiba sobre Manufacture Of Pressure Vessels In Brazil


In oil refineries, Sugar and Ethanol Plants, Chemical and Petrochemical Industries pressure vessels constitute an important set of equipment covering a wide variety of uses.
We manufacture vases framed in NR13.
Supplied with:
• Data Book;
• Memorial mechanical calculation;
• Traceability of raw materials
• Certificate of raw material;
• Certificate of hydrostatic test;
• Certificate of Liquid Penetrant
• Qualification of welders;
• Welding Procedure Specification and
• Record Welding Procedure Qualification
• Registration Qualification of Welders.

special documentation

• Inspection Date books with Petrobras.
Documentation is provided in accordance with the requirements of Petrobras.
Artigo postado em: 05/02/2013

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